Sabtu, 01 September 2018


    • Bakery oven (oven memanggang roti)
                    Sumber panas: listrik
                    Kegunaan untuk memanggang roti atau untuk memanggang pie.

    •  Griller (pembakar)
                     Sumber panas : gas
                     Kegunaan untuk membakar daging, unggas, steak.

    • Dough mixer (pengaduk adonan kue dan roti)
                    Sumber tenaga: listrik
                    Kegunaan untuk mengaduk adonan roti dan kue.


Peralatan Utensil 

adalah suatu peralatan dapur yang  dapat dipindahkan dan tidak bermesin.atau peralatan dapur kecil.

Related image
    • Whisking Bowl
                   Mangkuk pengocok untuk mengocok telur dan membuat mayonaise.

    • Mixing Bowl
                  Mangkuk pengaduk untuk mencampur makanan seperti membuat salad,
                  me-marinet daging

Part 2

Today is my second day practice and i enter the kitchen at 7.30. today my activity is help my friend finishing the part of dissert cause before in the Monday it is thei assigment

Cause of in the Monday my personal product only so i just help my frind to finishing after that i make a shower fought for tomorrow

After that a prepare for tomorrow and i just waiting time to GC, after that i wait my lecture to online then back

Layer cake
Coklate cake
Cheese tarlet
Dojo doko cangkuling

Personal product

Personal product
Today like usually my daily i go to campus at 07.30, my activity in the kitchen today is make a personal product with my friend and another make a Klenger meat ball and i make a squid with BBQ sauce, i directly prepare the materials that i will use.

The ingredients
Tomato chill sauce
Chili sauce
Lime leaf
The main mateilas of squid
How to make it
Clean the squid and cut like you want the give the oil and bake for 10 minutes
Make sauce, the materials is union,sahllot,garlic. After sauted insert the sauce then insert the lime leaf and lime then mix until smooth
Insert a little chicken stock so that make thw sauce coagulate
After make a sausage directly plating with squid

Pasar Terminal Sunggu Minasa

Hari jumat kemari saya dan teman saya mengunjungi salah satu pasar tradisional yang terletak di Kab. Gowa yang jaraknya tidak terlalu jauh dari pusat kota makassar yaitu Pasar Terminal Sunggu Minasa, Gowa, pasar yang beroperasi hingga malam hari ini menjadi referensi saya karena pasar ini cukup lengkap jika bisa di bandingkan dengan pasar lain karena pasar ini menjual berbagai jenis makanan, sayuran,ikan dan berbagai macam jenisnya, 

nahh berdasarkan data yang kami peroleh kemarin kami mendapatkan beberapa daftar harga yang ada di pasar tradisional ini 

Galael Suoermarket

Today, i visited supermarket in makassar, it is Galael Supermarket that located in the heart of Makassar city, Hasanuddin Street No.16, Baru, Makassar, South Sulawesi. Galael supermarket is the one of the Fancy suermarket in Makassar that selling many kind of foods like fruit,vegetables and meat. there are a cafe inside the supermarket that make it different with another supermarket in Makassar. on the second floor there are KFC and mini canteen. in this supermarket you can find a foods like original snack of java,sumateran aromatic coffee, imported candy's that you not find in another supermarket.

so i'll tell you the some price food i galael supermarket

Jumat, 31 Agustus 2018

Part 2

Ini adalah Hari kedua saya praktek dan saya masuk jam 7.30 ke kitchen. Hari ini kegiatanku membantu teman"ku finishing bagian dissert karna sebelumnya saya Hari senin di bagikan kelompok nya.

Karna sehubung saya Hari senin personal produck jadi cuma membantu teman"ku finishing, sesudah finishing saya membuat bilang shower fought untuk besoknya.

Sesudah saya preaper untuk esoknya saya tinggal menunggu waktunya gc, sesudah saya gc menunggu dosen untuk online  dan pulang.

-kue lapis
-coklat cake
-cheese tarlet
-dojo doko cangkuling

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2018

Personal product

Hari ini saya seperti biasa ke kampus jam 7.30, kegiatan saya hari ini di kitchen personal product dan di temani oleh temen saya salah satunya dan temen saya membuat bakso klenger sedngkan Saya hari ini membuat grill squid with bbq sauce, saya langsung preaper bahan" yg ingin di gunakan.

#bahan" yg digunakan
-tomato chilli sauce
-chilli sauce
-lime leaf
-bhn utama squid
#cara membuat
-bersihkan squid dan potong sesuai keinginan lalu kasi oil dan bake selama 10 menit
-sesudah di bake lalu squid langsung di grill
-membuat sauce saute bahan" seperti onion,  shallot,  garlic. Sesudah di saute masukan sauce lalu masukan lime leaf dan lime lalu aduk sampai merata
-masukan chicken stock sedikit supaya tidak mengetal saucenya
-selesai membuat sauce langsung di plating bersama squid

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018

Sponge cake 3

Sponge cake
Today i go to campus at 07.30 at august 15 2018, the third day we teach about hoe to make good and true shower dough and after that we directly decorate the sponge cake like our habit after that we cleaning the kitchen and back home

#sponge cake

15 egg yolks

Whole eggs 5 grains

Tbm 15gr

Wheat flour 100gr

Chocolate powder 25gr

Milk powder 20gr

Maize flour 25gr

Liquid Mandarine 225gr

Chocolate paste 2gr

The Ingredients
Eggs yolk 15 item
Eggs 5 item
TBM 15gr
Flafour 100gr
Coklat pawder 25gr
Milk powder 20gr
Cornstratch 25gr
Soil Margarine 225gr
Chocolate pasta

#How To make it
Mix TBM and sugar until have a shape like sponge
Insert the dry materilas that have been seufed before untul mix all
The last insert the butter that have been melted to the adonan and ix until smooth
Then insert to the printer and bake

#Shower Dough
To mamke a shower dough we have to focus to see the alteration, more and more good shower dough it will looks porouses, the fisrt step to make a shoer dough is we use wheat 100gr and insert water 50gr mix untul smooth and let stand in the damp room, after two days have to feeds like insert the flour and water for 7 days and see the alteration

Sponge cake 2

Today i’m going to campus at 07.30 in august 18 2018. After i;m arrive in there i and my team work begin to decorate the sponge cake that we have made yesterday, after that we make sponge cake again and the result is is very good, after that we cleaning the kichen then back to home

#sponge cake

15 egg yolks

Whole eggs 5 grains

Tbm 15gr

Wheat flour 100gr

Chocolate powder 25gr

Milk powder 20gr

Maize flour 25gr

Liquid Mandarine 225gr

Chocolate paste 2gr

How To make it
Mix TBM and sugar until have a shape like sponge
Insert the dry materilas that have been seufed before untul mix all
The last insert the butter that have been melted to the adonan and ix until smooth
Then insert to the printer and bake

Croissant 1

Today I went to campus at 7.30 Monday on August 13, 2018. Today I practice in the kitchen, the first day I gather in class for presentations. After my presentation and my group immediately preaper the ingredients "to make croissants and sponge cake. The first day I failed to make a croissant and failed to make a sponge cake, then we were told to run 6 princess next to the kitchen. After running, I immediately sponge cake into the chiller for decoration the next day, I sorted out the kitchen and waited for the nation's children to finish our nation.
500 all purpose
275 fresh milk
10 yeasts
 2.5 sugar
5 salt
150 croisant fatS

ponge cake
15 egg yolks
Whole eggs 5 grains
Tbm 15gr
Wheat flour 100gr
Chocolate powder 25gr
Milk powder 20gr
Maize flour 25gr
Liquid Mandarine 225gr
Chocolate paste 2gr


Bakery oven (oven memanggang roti)                     Sumber panas: listrik                     Kegunaan untuk memanggang roti atau unt...