Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018

Sponge cake 2

Today i’m going to campus at 07.30 in august 18 2018. After i;m arrive in there i and my team work begin to decorate the sponge cake that we have made yesterday, after that we make sponge cake again and the result is is very good, after that we cleaning the kichen then back to home

#sponge cake

15 egg yolks

Whole eggs 5 grains

Tbm 15gr

Wheat flour 100gr

Chocolate powder 25gr

Milk powder 20gr

Maize flour 25gr

Liquid Mandarine 225gr

Chocolate paste 2gr

How To make it
Mix TBM and sugar until have a shape like sponge
Insert the dry materilas that have been seufed before untul mix all
The last insert the butter that have been melted to the adonan and ix until smooth
Then insert to the printer and bake

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